Day 1: Internal team at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Day 2: Internal team at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Day 2: Team members alongside Dr. Carlos del Rio (Emory University) and Laura Magaña V. (President and CEO of ASPPH)
Day 2: Poster presentations with the team.
Day 2: Dariana Sedeño-Delgado presenting poster.
Poster presentation for "Impact of Covid-19 on Black/African American & Latina Breast Cancer Survivors in the DC Metro Area."
Poster presentation for "Developing a Culturally Sensitive Website for Black/African American and Latina Women Breast Cancer Survivors in the Northeast, U.S."
Day 2: Jennifer Argueta-Contreras presenting poster.
Day 3: Jennifer Argueta-Contreras speaks to a panel of NIH directors about health policy and equity.
Georgetown Lombardi team shares TDJBCF research collaborations at a 2022 Cancer Conference in San Antonio, TX