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Chef and Nutritionist Stephanie Eyocko prepares a butternut squash and sweet potato soup

Chef and Nutritionist Stephanie Eyocko prepares a butternut squash and sweet potato soup, and her own take on a hot toddy using rosemary and lemongrass, for seniors living at Greenleaf. All the ingredients were sourced locally. SW Community Gardens has launched a pilot community-supported agriculture program that pays Southwest DC youth to plant, harvest, and […]

Show love and support for Lucretia. Sunday, June 13, 2021.

It was a beautiful day for a walk and an amazing way to really surprise a special person, as more than 100 family, friends, and coworkers honored Lucretia “Rose” Bell-Willet, newly diagnosed breast cancer survivor, with a mini breast cancer walk on Sunday, June 13, 2021. Starting from the Titanic statue on the SW Waterfront, […]


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